+44 (0)1424 210448

We support boards with a wide range of services

Governance Reviews

Some Boards go for years without reviewing their governing documents and structures. At its worst, this can lead to mission drift and non compliance with legal and regulatory requirements. Keeping the governing document under review helps to ensure that it properly reflects what the organisation does and how it operates.

PGS can work with you to determine if your governing structures are still fit for purpose.  We can undertake a review of the governing documents and recommend improvements and ways in which they can be updated to reflect the current activities and structures of the organisation. Where appropriate we work with your professional advisors, and will always advise when we think professional advice will be required.

"Thank you most sincerely for your report on the Society’s governance. It is an excellent document, you have gone to great lengths to understand our organisation...you have been very thorough in your analysis."

The Master Worshipful Society of Apothecaries

Board Evaluations

Boards who commit to a regular evaluation process find benefits in terms of improved leadership, greater clarity of roles and responsibilities, improved teamwork, greater accountability, better decision making, improved communication and more efficient board operations.

Regular review of the Board allows Board members to develop a shared understanding of their roles and responsibilities as trustees and directors. It can also encourage teamwork and trust between Board members.

We can help by working with you to develop the best approach for your board and organisation. This may involve

  • observation of a board meeting or committee meetings
  • discussions with all board members and the senior team
  • using a questionnaire to collect the views of board members and stakeholders

"This has been an invaluable exercise which will save us a huge amount of time as we move forward, and has certainly been worth doing."

Chair of Age UK Brand Partner


Boards use away days for a range of purposes

  • Strategy development
  • Team building
  • Improving the effectiveness of the board

A different environment to the usual work place, without interruptions and an independent facilitator can add value to an away day by ensuring that everyone can participate fully, and that the time is used well.

A skilled facilitator will use proven techniques and models to move discussions forward and arrive at an agreed outcome

PGS has many years experience of facilitating away days.

In advance of the day, we will ensure that we have a full understanding of the issues faced by the Board and may talk to individual board members about their expectations.  We will always ensure that the outcomes are articulated, with responsibilities and timings in the form of an action plan.

"I have been to many away days and seen many facilitators. Beryl is one of the best I have ever seen"

Chair of Trustees The Donkey Sanctuary

Training Courses

We believe that people learn best when they are actively engaged in the learning activity.  We have many years experience of devising and delivering training courses which make this happen.  These include

  • How to run an effective board
  • Course for Chairs of boards and committee
  • Effective governance
  • The roles and duties of directors and trustees
  • Trustee induction training

Our experience also shows that everyone in the room can learn from each other (including us) so we allow plenty of time for sharing experiences and knowledge.

We can devise training sessions for an individual board or a much larger group (why not combine with another organisation to provide the training?)

"Excellent course leader who ensured we had many opportunities to contribute."

Delegate on a PGS course

Board Member Recruitment

An effective board needs a wide range of skills and experience amongst its members.  However quite frequently charities struggle to attract and recruit new trustees.  An open and transparent recruitment process can ensure a diverse and skilled board.  Boards which depend on word of mouth recruitment can end up recruiting more people like themselves, which can reduce and limit constructive challenge – an important board attribute.

PGS can work with you to undertake a skills gap analysis to identify the skills and experience needed.  We can then help identify the best means of recruiting and selecting potential trustees.

"PGS worked with us to establish the skills gaps on our board. We recruited six high quality trustees which has greatly enhanced the effectiveness of our governing body."

Bursar & Clerk to the Trustees Lewes Old Grammar School